Saturday, November 19, 2011

How many pulses per revolution does a 12A Mazda Rotary engine produce?

My friend and I are putting a tachometer by AutoMeter in our RX7, but we need to know how many pulses per revolution a 12A rotary engine makes. The engine is from a 1982 Mazda RX7.

Thanks.|||Each rotor will have 3 combustion events per rotor revolution (so 6 in total) ... but... each rotor revolution produces 3 crankshaft revolutions.

That would seem to indicate 2 ppr, but I would check on to be sure.|||There are two rotors in the rotary engine: a front rotor (rotor 1) and a rear rotor (rotor2). Each rotor has three combustion chambers. For each rotor revolution, there are three firing events. That would mean a total of 6 pulses... but then again they also have a trailing spark ignition... I've never hooked one up to an RX7, try asking at before cutting :)|||6. The other answer is absolutely correct.

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